

Consequences of the homology sequence #

Given a morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂ between two short exact sequences of homological complexes in an abelian category, we show the naturality of the homology sequence of S₁ and S₂ with respect to φ (see HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.δ_naturality).

Then, we shall show in this file that if two out of the three maps φ.τ₁, φ.τ₂, φ.τ₃ are quasi-isomorphisms, then the third is. We also obtain more specific separate lemmas which gives sufficient condition for one of these three morphisms to induce a mono/epi/iso in a given degree in terms of properties of the two others in the same or neighboring degrees.

So far, we state only four lemmas for φ.τ₃. Eight more similar lemmas for φ.τ₁ and φ.τ₂ shall be also obtained (TODO).

noncomputable def HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :

The morphism snakeInput hS₁ i j hij ⟶ snakeInput hS₂ i j hij induced by a morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂ of short complexes of homological complexes, that are short exact (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact and hS₂ : S₁.ShortExact).

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Instances For
    theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput_f₂ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :
    (HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput φ hS₁ hS₂ i j hij).f₂ = (HomologicalComplex.cyclesFunctor C c j) φ
    theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput_f₀ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :
    (HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput φ hS₁ hS₂ i j hij).f₀ = (HomologicalComplex.homologyFunctor C c i) φ
    theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput_f₃ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :
    (HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput φ hS₁ hS₂ i j hij).f₃ = (HomologicalComplex.homologyFunctor C c j) φ
    theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput_f₁ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :
    (HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapSnakeInput φ hS₁ hS₂ i j hij).f₁ = (HomologicalComplex.opcyclesFunctor C c i) φ
    theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.δ_naturality {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :
    theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.δ_naturality_assoc {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) {Z : C} (h : S₂.X₁.homology j Z) :
    noncomputable def HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.composableArrows₅ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :

    The (exact) sequence H_i(S.X₁) ⟶ H_i(S.X₂) ⟶ H_i(S.X₃) ⟶ H_j(S.X₁) ⟶ H_j(S.X₂) ⟶ H_j(S.X₃) when c.Rel i j and S is a short exact short complex of homological complexes in an abelian category.

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    Instances For

      The map between the exact sequences S₁.X₁.homology i ⟶ S₁.X₂.homology i ⟶ S₁.X₃.homology i and S₂.X₁.homology i ⟶ S₂.X₂.homology i ⟶ S₂.X₃.homology i that is induced by φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂.

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      Instances For
        noncomputable def HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.mapComposableArrows₅ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (j : ι) (hij : c.Rel i j) :

        The map composableArrows₅ hS₁ i j hij ⟶ composableArrows₅ hS₂ i j hij of exact sequences induced by a morphism φ : S₁ ⟶ S₂ between short exact short complexes of homological complexes.

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        Instances For
          theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.epi_homologyMap_τ₃ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (h₁ : CategoryTheory.Epi (HomologicalComplex.homologyMap φ.τ₂ i)) (h₂ : ∀ (j : ι), c.Rel i jCategoryTheory.Epi (HomologicalComplex.homologyMap φ.τ₁ j)) (h₃ : ∀ (j : ι), c.Rel i jCategoryTheory.Mono (HomologicalComplex.homologyMap φ.τ₂ j)) :
          theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.isIso_homologyMap_τ₃ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (i : ι) (h₁ : CategoryTheory.Epi (HomologicalComplex.homologyMap φ.τ₁ i)) (h₂ : CategoryTheory.IsIso (HomologicalComplex.homologyMap φ.τ₂ i)) (h₃ : ∀ (j : ι), c.Rel i jCategoryTheory.IsIso (HomologicalComplex.homologyMap φ.τ₁ j)) (h₄ : ∀ (j : ι), c.Rel i jCategoryTheory.Mono (HomologicalComplex.homologyMap φ.τ₂ j)) :
          theorem HomologicalComplex.HomologySequence.quasiIso_τ₃ {C : Type u_1} {ι : Type u_2} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_3, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Abelian C] {c : ComplexShape ι} {S₁ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} {S₂ : CategoryTheory.ShortComplex (HomologicalComplex C c)} (φ : S₁ S₂) (hS₁ : S₁.ShortExact) (hS₂ : S₂.ShortExact) (h₁ : QuasiIso φ.τ₁) (h₂ : QuasiIso φ.τ₂) :
          QuasiIso φ.τ₃