

The adjunction between light condensed sets and topological spaces #

This file defines the functor lightCondSetToTopCat : LightCondSet.{u} ⥤ TopCat.{u} which is left adjoint to topCatToLightCondSet : TopCat.{u} ⥤ LightCondSet.{u}. We prove that the counit is bijective (but not in general an isomorphism) and conclude that the right adjoint is faithful.

The counit is an isomorphism for sequential spaces, and we conclude that the functor topCatToLightCondSet is fully faithful when restricted to sequential spaces.

Let X be a light condensed set. We define a topology on X(*) as the quotient topology of all the maps from light profinite sets S to X(*), corresponding to elements of X(S). In other words, the topology coinduced by the map LightCondSet.coinducingCoprod above.

Instances For

    The object part of the functor LightCondSetTopCat

    Instances For
      theorem LightCondSet.continuous_coinducingCoprod (X : LightCondSet) {S : LightProfinite} (x : X.val.obj (Opposite.op S)) :
      Continuous fun (a : S, x.fst.toTop) => LightCondSet.coinducingCoprod X S, x, a
      def LightCondSet.toTopCatMap {X : LightCondSet} {Y : LightCondSet} (f : X Y) :
      X.toTopCat Y.toTopCat

      The map part of the functor LightCondSetTopCat

      Instances For

        The functor LightCondSetTopCat

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        Instances For
          def LightCondSet.topCatAdjunctionCounit (X : TopCat) :
          X.toLightCondSet.toTopCat X

          The counit of the adjunction lightCondSetToTopCattopCatToLightCondSet

          Instances For
            def LightCondSet.topCatAdjunctionCounitEquiv (X : TopCat) :
            X.toLightCondSet.toTopCat X

            The counit of the adjunction lightCondSetToTopCattopCatToLightCondSet is always bijective, but not an isomorphism in general (the inverse isn't continuous unless X is sequential).

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            Instances For
              def LightCondSet.topCatAdjunctionUnit (X : LightCondSet) :
              X X.toTopCat.toLightCondSet

              The unit of the adjunction lightCondSetToTopCattopCatToLightCondSet

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              Instances For
                theorem LightCondSet.topCatAdjunctionUnit_val_app_apply (X : LightCondSet) (S : LightProfiniteᵒᵖ) (x : X.val.obj S) (s : ((CompHausLike.compHausLikeToTop fun (X : TopCat) => TotallyDisconnectedSpace X SecondCountableTopology X).obj (Opposite.unop S))) :
                ( S x) s = (CompHausLike.const (LightProfinite.of PUnit.{u + 1} ) s).op x
                theorem LightCondSet.topCatAdjunctionUnit_val_app (X : LightCondSet) (S : LightProfiniteᵒᵖ) (x : X.val.obj S) :
       S x = { toFun := fun (s : ((CompHausLike.compHausLikeToTop fun (X : TopCat) => TotallyDisconnectedSpace X SecondCountableTopology X).obj (Opposite.unop S))) => (CompHausLike.const (LightProfinite.of PUnit.{u + 1} ) s).op x, continuous_toFun := }

                The adjunction lightCondSetToTopCattopCatToLightCondSet

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                Instances For

                  The functor from light condensed sets to topological spaces lands in sequential spaces.

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For

                    The functor from topological spaces to light condensed sets restricted to sequential spaces.

                    Instances For

                      The adjunction lightCondSetToTopCattopCatToLightCondSet restricted to sequential spaces.

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                      Instances For
                        def LightCondSet.sequentialAdjunctionHomeo (X : TopCat) [SequentialSpace X] :
                        X.toLightCondSet.toTopCat ≃ₜ X

                        The counit of the adjunction lightCondSetToSequentialsequentialToLightCondSet is a homeomorphism.

                        Note: for now, we only have ℕ∪{∞} as a light profinite set at universe level 0, which is why we can only prove this for X : TopCat.{0}.

                        Instances For

                          The counit of the adjunction lightCondSetToSequentialsequentialToLightCondSet is an isomorphism.

                          Note: for now, we only have ℕ∪{∞} as a light profinite set at universe level 0, which is why we can only prove this for X : Sequential.{0}.

                          Instances For

                            The functor from topological spaces to light condensed sets restricted to sequential spaces is fully faithful.

                            Note: for now, we only have ℕ∪{∞} as a light profinite set at universe level 0, which is why we can only prove this for the functor Sequential.{0} ⥤ LightCondSet.{0}.

                            Instances For