

F-isocrystals over a perfect field #

When k is an integral domain, so is 𝕎 k, and we can consider its field of fractions K(p, k). The endomorphism WittVector.frobenius lifts to φ : K(p, k) → K(p, k); if k is perfect, φ is an automorphism.

Let k be a perfect integral domain. Let V be a vector space over K(p,k). An isocrystal is a bijective map V → V that is φ-semilinear. A theorem of Dieudonné and Manin classifies the finite-dimensional isocrystals over algebraically closed fields. In the one-dimensional case, this classification states that the isocrystal structures are parametrized by their "slope" m : ℤ. Any one-dimensional isocrystal is isomorphic to φ(p^m • x) : K(p,k) → K(p,k) for some m.

This file proves this one-dimensional case of the classification theorem. The construction is described in Dupuis, Lewis, and Macbeth, [Formalized functional analysis via semilinear maps][dupuis-lewis-macbeth2022].

Main declarations #

Notation #

This file introduces notation in the locale Isocrystal.

References #

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Instances For

    Frobenius-linear maps #

    The Frobenius automorphism of k induces an automorphism of K.

    Instances For

      The Frobenius automorphism of k induces an endomorphism of K. For notation purposes.

      Instances For
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        Instances For
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
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            Instances For

              Isocrystals #

              class WittVector.Isocrystal (p : ) [Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (k : Type u_1) [CommRing k] [IsDomain k] [CharP k p] [PerfectRing k p] (V : Type u_2) [AddCommGroup V] extends Module , DistribMulAction , MulAction , SMul :
              Type (max u_1 u_2)

              An isocrystal is a vector space over the field K(p, k) additionally equipped with a Frobenius-linear automorphism.


                  Project the Frobenius automorphism from an isocrystal. Denoted by Φ(p, k) when V can be inferred.

                  Instances For
                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For
                      structure WittVector.IsocrystalHom (p : ) [Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (k : Type u_1) [CommRing k] [IsDomain k] [CharP k p] [PerfectRing k p] (V : Type u_2) [AddCommGroup V] [WittVector.Isocrystal p k V] (V₂ : Type u_3) [AddCommGroup V₂] [WittVector.Isocrystal p k V₂] extends LinearMap , AddHom , MulActionHom :
                      Type (max u_2 u_3)

                      A homomorphism between isocrystals respects the Frobenius map.

                        Instances For
                          theorem WittVector.IsocrystalHom.frob_equivariant {p : } [Fact (Nat.Prime p)] {k : Type u_1} [CommRing k] [IsDomain k] [CharP k p] [PerfectRing k p] {V : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup V] [WittVector.Isocrystal p k V] {V₂ : Type u_3} [AddCommGroup V₂] [WittVector.Isocrystal p k V₂] (self : WittVector.IsocrystalHom p k V V₂) (x : V) :
                          (WittVector.Isocrystal.frobenius p k) (self.toLinearMap x) = self.toLinearMap ((WittVector.Isocrystal.frobenius p k) x)
                          structure WittVector.IsocrystalEquiv (p : ) [Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (k : Type u_1) [CommRing k] [IsDomain k] [CharP k p] [PerfectRing k p] (V : Type u_2) [AddCommGroup V] [WittVector.Isocrystal p k V] (V₂ : Type u_3) [AddCommGroup V₂] [WittVector.Isocrystal p k V₂] extends LinearEquiv , LinearMap , AddEquiv , Equiv , AddHom , MulActionHom :
                          Type (max u_2 u_3)

                          An isomorphism between isocrystals respects the Frobenius map.

                            Instances For
                              theorem WittVector.IsocrystalEquiv.frob_equivariant {p : } [Fact (Nat.Prime p)] {k : Type u_1} [CommRing k] [IsDomain k] [CharP k p] [PerfectRing k p] {V : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup V] [WittVector.Isocrystal p k V] {V₂ : Type u_3} [AddCommGroup V₂] [WittVector.Isocrystal p k V₂] (self : WittVector.IsocrystalEquiv p k V V₂) (x : V) :
                              (WittVector.Isocrystal.frobenius p k) (self.toLinearEquiv x) = self.toLinearEquiv ((WittVector.Isocrystal.frobenius p k) x)
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                              Instances For
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                                Instances For

                                  Classification of isocrystals in dimension 1 #

                                  def WittVector.StandardOneDimIsocrystal (p : ) [Fact (Nat.Prime p)] (k : Type u_1) [CommRing k] (_m : ) :
                                  Type u_1

                                  Type synonym for K(p, k) to carry the standard 1-dimensional isocrystal structure of slope m : ℤ.

                                  Instances For

                                    The standard one-dimensional isocrystal of slope m : ℤ is an isocrystal.

                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

                                    A one-dimensional isocrystal over an algebraically closed field admits an isomorphism to one of the standard (indexed by m : ℤ) one-dimensional isocrystals.