

Adjunction between Locales and Topological Spaces #

This file defines the point functor from the category of locales to topological spaces and proves that it is right adjoint to the forgetful functor from topological spaces to locales.

Main declarations #

Motivation #

This adjunction provides a framework in which several Stone-type dualities fit.

Implementation notes #

References #

Tags #

topological space, frame, locale, Stone duality, adjunction, points

Definition of the points functor pt - #

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev Locale.PT (L : Type u_1) [CompleteLattice L] :
Type u_1

The type of points of a complete lattice L, where a point of a complete lattice is, by definition, a frame homomorphism from L to Prop.

Instances For
    theorem Locale.openOfElementHom_toFun (L : Type u_1) [CompleteLattice L] (u : L) :
    (Locale.openOfElementHom L) u = {x : Locale.PT L | x u}

    The frame homomorphism from a complete lattice L to the complete lattice of sets of points of L.

    Instances For

      The topology on the set of points of the complete lattice L.

      theorem Locale.PT.isOpen_iff (L : Type u_1) [CompleteLattice L] (U : Set (Locale.PT L)) :
      IsOpen U ∃ (u : L), {x : Locale.PT L | x u} = U

      Characterization of when a subset of the space of points is open.

      The covariant functor pt from the category of locales to the category of topological spaces, which sends a locale L to the topological space PT L of homomorphisms from L to Prop and a locale homomorphism f to a continuous function between the spaces of points.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        The unit of the adjunction between locales and topological spaces, which associates with a point x of the space X a point of the locale of opens of X.

        Instances For

          The counit is a frame homomorphism.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            The forgetful functor topToLocale is left adjoint to the functor pt.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For