

Some basic equalities and isomorphisms of composition and base change functors #

Notation #

We provide the following notations:

Given a morphism f : J ⟶ I in a category C,

Given an object I : C,

For X Y : Over I,

We prove that μ_ X Y and π_ X Y form a pullback square:

  P ---- μ --> •
  |            |
  π            Y
  |            |
  v            v
  • ---X--->  I

Implementation Notes #

(SH): The definitions Over.pullback and mapPullbackAdj already existed in mathlib. Later, Over.baseChange and Over.mapAdjunction were added which are duplicates, but the latter have additional simp lemmas, namely unit_app and counit_app which makes proving things with simp easier.

We might change instances of Over.mapAdjunction to Over.mapPullbackAdj.

(SH) : WIP -- adiding simp attributes to Over.forgetAdjStar. This means we no longer will need the lemmas in the namespace Over.forgetAdjStar.

Other diagrams #

        pullback p f ------> X
          |                  |
          |                  | p
    .snd  |                  |
          v                  v
          J   ---------->    I

Using the notation above, we have

A morphism f : X ⟶ Y induces a functor Over X ⥤ Over Y in the obvious way.


Instances For

    The forgetful functor mapping an arrow to its domain.


    Instances For

      Given a morphism f : X ⟶ Y, the functor baseChange f takes morphisms over Y to morphisms over X via pullbacks.

      Instances For

        The functor from C to Over X which sends Y : C to π₁ : X ⨯ Y ⟶ X, sometimes denoted X*.

        Instances For
          • =
          Instances For
            theorem CategoryTheory.Over.mapForget_eq {C : Type u_1} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_2, u_1} C] {X : C} {Y : C} (f : X Y) :
            (Σ_ f).comp (Σ_ Y) = Σ_ X
            def CategoryTheory.Over.mapForgetIso {C : Type u_1} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_2, u_1} C] {X : C} {Y : C} (f : X Y) :
            (Σ_ f).comp (Σ_ Y) Σ_ X

            Equality of functors should be avoided if possible, instead we use the isomorphism version. For use elsewhere.

            Instances For
              theorem CategoryTheory.Over.mapComp_eq {C : Type u_1} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_2, u_1} C] {X : C} {Y : C} {Z : C} (f : X Y) (g : Y Z) :
              def CategoryTheory.Over.mapCompIso {C : Type u_1} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_2, u_1} C] {X : C} {Y : C} {Z : C} (f : X Y) (g : Y Z) :
              Instances For
                theorem CategoryTheory.baseChange.obj_hom_eq_pullback_snd {C : Type u_1} [CategoryTheory.Category.{u_2, u_1} C] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasPullbacks C] {I : C} {J : C} (f : J I) (X : CategoryTheory.Over I) :
                ((Δ_ f).obj X).hom = CategoryTheory.Limits.pullback.snd

                For an arrow f : J ⟶ I and an object X : Over I, the base-change of X along f is pullback.snd.

                The base-change along terminal.from ER: Changed statement from an equality to an isomorphism. Proof of commutativity is stuck because of the rewrite. Perhaps I can do this another way?

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                Instances For

                  For X Y : Over I, the map μ := projFst, defined via the counit of the adjunction Σ_ ⊣ Δ_, is a morphism form the base-change of Y along X to Y .

                    P ---- μ --> •
                    |            |
                    π            Y
                    |            |
                    v            v
                    • ---X--->  I
                  Instances For

                    For X Y : Over I, the map π := projSnd is a morphism form the base-change of X along Y to X.

                      P ---- μ --> •
                      |            |
                      π            Y
                      |            |
                      v            v
                      • ---X--->  I
                    Instances For

                      The object (Σ_ X.hom) ((Δ_ X.hom) Y) is isomorphic to the binary product X × Y in Over I.

                      Instances For

                        The functor composition (baseChange X.hom) ⋙ ( X.hom) is naturally isomorphic to the left tensor product functor X × _

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                        Instances For

                          The isomorphism between the base change functors obtained as the conjugate of the mapForgetIso. For use elsewhere.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For

                              The conjugate isomorphism between pullback functors.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For
                                Instances For

                                  Note (SH): the difference between this and Δ_ (⊤_ C) is that we only use the assumption that C has only terminal but not binary products. On the other hand, I recommend using Δ_ (⊤_ C) in general since we know more facts about it such its adjunction (top of the file).

                                  Instances For
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                                    Instances For
                                      Instances For
                                        Instances For
                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For