4 The Groupoid Model
In this chapter we construct a natural model in \(\mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{grpd})\) the presheaf category indexed by the category \(\mathbf{grpd}\) of (small) groupoids. We will build the classifier for display maps in the style of Hofmann and Streicher [ HS98 ] and Awodey [ Awo23 ] . To interpret the type constructors, we will make use of the weak factorization system on \(\mathbf{grpd}\) - which comes from restricting the “classical Quillen model structure” on \(\mathbf{cat}\) [ Joy ] to \(\mathbf{grpd}\).
4.1 Classifying display maps
We denote the category of small categories as \(\mathbf{cat}\) and the large categories as \(\mathbf{Cat}\). We denote the category of small groupoids as \(\mathbf{grpd}\).
We are primarily working in the category of large presheaves indexed by the (large, locally small) category of small groupoids, which we will denote by
In this section, \(\mathsf{Tm}\) and \(\mathsf{Ty}\) and so on will refer to the natural model semantics in this specific model.
We will take the category of pointed small categories \(\mathbf{cat}_\bullet \) to have objects as pairs \((\mathbb {C}\in \mathbf{cat}, c \in \mathbb {C})\) and morphisms as pairs
Then the category of pointed small groupoids \(\mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) will be the full subcategory of objects \((\Gamma , c)\) with \(\Gamma \) a groupoid.
We would like to define a natural transformation in \(\mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{grpd})\)
with representable fibers.
Consider the functor that forgets the point
If we apply the Yoneda embedding \(\mathsf{y}: \mathbf{Cat}\to \mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{Cat})\) to \(U\) we obtain
Since any small groupoid is also a large category \(i : \mathbf{grpd}\hookrightarrow \mathbf{Cat}\), we can restrict \(\mathbf{Cat}\) indexed presheaves to be \(\mathbf{grpd}\) indexed presheaves (this the nerve in \(i_{!} \dashv \mathsf{res}\)). We define \(\mathsf{tp}: \mathsf{Tm}\to \mathsf{Ty}\) as the image of \(U \circ \) under this restriction.
Note that \(\mathsf{Tm}\) and \(\mathsf{Ty}\) are not representable in \(\mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{grpd})\).
By Yoneda we can identify maps with representable domain into the type classifier
with functors
From \(\mathbb {C}\) a small category and \(F : \mathbb {C}\to \mathbf{cat}\) a functor, we construct a small category \(\int F\). For any \(c\) in \(\mathbb {C}\) we refer to \(F c\) as the fiber over \(c\). The objects of \(\int F\) consist of pairs \((c \in \mathbb {C}, x \in F c)\), and morphisms between \((c, x)\) and \((d, y)\) are pairs \((f : c \to d, \phi : F \, f \, x \to y)\). This makes the following pullback in \(\mathbf{Cat}\)
Let \(\Gamma \) be a groupoid and \(A : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) a functor, we can compose \(F\) with the inclusion \(i : \mathbf{grpd}\hookrightarrow \mathbf{Cat}\) and form the Grothendieck construction which we denote as
This is also a small groupoid since the underlying morphisms are pairs of morphisms from groupoids \(\Gamma \) and \(A x\) for \(x \in \Gamma \). Furthermore the pullback factors through (pointed) groupoids.
For any small groupoid \(\Gamma \) and \(A : \mathsf{y}\Gamma \to \mathsf{Ty}\), the pullback of \(\mathsf{tp}\) along \(A\) can be given by the representable map \(\mathsf{y}\mathsf{disp}_{A}\).
Consider the pullback in \(\mathbf{Cat}\)
We send this square along \(\mathsf{res} \circ \mathsf{y}\) in the following
The Yoneda embedding \(\mathsf{y}: \mathbf{Cat}\to \mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{Cat})\) preserves pullbacks, as does \(\mathsf{res}\) since it is a right adjoint (with left Kan extension \(\iota _{!} \dashv \mathsf{res}_{\iota }\)).
4.2 Groupoid fibrations
Let \(p : \mathbb {C}_{1} \to \mathbb {C}_{0}\) be a functor. We say \(p\) is a split Grothendieck fibration if we have a dependent function \(\mathsf{lift} \, a \, f\) satisfying the following: for any object \(a\) in \(\mathbb {C}_{1}\) and morphism \(f : p \, a \to y\) in the base \(\mathbb {C}_{0}\) we have \(\mathsf{lift} \, a \, f : a \to b\) in \(\mathbb {C}_{1}\) such that \(p (\mathsf{lift} \, a \, f) = f\) and moreover \(\mathsf{lift} \, a \, g \circ f = \mathsf{lift} \, b \, g \circ \mathsf{lift} \, a \, f\)
In particular, we are interested in split Grothendieck fibrations of groupoids, which are the same as isofibrations (replace all the morphisms with isomorphisms in the definition).
Unless specified otherwise, by a fibration we will mean a split Grothendieck fibration of groupoids. Let us denote the category of fibrations over a groupoid \(\Gamma \) as \(\mathsf{Fib}_{\Gamma }\), which is a full subcategory of the slice \(\mathbf{grpd}/ \Gamma \). We will decorate an arrow with \(\twoheadrightarrow \) to indicate it is a fibration.
Note that \(\mathsf{disp}_{A} : \Gamma \cdot A \to \Gamma \) is a fibration, since for any \((x \in \Gamma , a \in A \, x)\) and \(f : x \to y\) in \(\Gamma \) we have a morphism \((f, \mathsf{id}_{A \, f \, a}) : (x, a) \to (y, A \, f \, a)\) lifting \(f\). Furthermore
There is an adjoint equivalence
where for each fibration \(\delta : \Delta \to \Gamma \) and each object \(x \in \Gamma \)
It follows that all fibrations are pullbacks of the classifier \(U : \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \to \mathbf{grpd}\), when viewed as morphisms in \(\mathbf{Cat}\).
Pullback of fibrations along groupoid functors is not strictly coherent, in the sense that for \(\tau : \Xi \to \Delta \) and \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) and a fibration \(p \in \mathsf{Fib}_{\Gamma }\) we only have an isomorphism
rather than equality.
In order to interpret reindexing/substitution strictly, it is convenient to work with classifiers \([\Gamma ,\mathbf{grpd}]\) instead of fibrations.
Let \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) be a functor between groupoids. Since display maps are pullbacks of the classifier \(U : \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \to \mathbf{grpd}\) we have the pasting diagram
This gives us a functor \(\circ \sigma : [\Gamma ,\mathbf{grpd}] \to [\Delta ,\mathbf{grpd}]\) which is our strict version of pullback.
We can deduce a corresponding fact about fibrations: since fibrations are closed under isomorphism, and since any pullback in \(\mathbf{grpd}\) of a fibration \(p\) is isomorphic to the display map \(\mathsf{disp}_{\mathsf{fiber}{p} \circ \sigma }\), any pullback of a fibration is a fibration.
A strict interpretation of type theory would require \(\Sigma \) and \(\Pi \)-formers to be stable under pullback (Beck-Chevalley). Thus we again define these as operations on classifiers \([\Gamma ,\mathbf{grpd}]\).
Then given \(A : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) and \(B : \Gamma \cdot A \to \mathbf{grpd}\) we define \(\Sigma _{A}B : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) such that \(\Sigma _{A}B\) acts on objects by forming fiberwise Grothendieck constructions
where \(x_{A} : A(x) \to \Gamma \cdot A\) takes \(f : a_{0} \to a_{1}\) to \((\mathsf{id}_{x},f) : (x,a_{0}) \to (x,a_{1})\)
\(\Sigma _{A}B\) acts on morphism \(f : x \to y\) in \(\Gamma \) and \((a \in A(x), b \in B(x,a))\) by
and for morphism \((\alpha : a_{0} \to a_{1} \in A(x),\beta : B \, (\mathsf{id}_{x},\alpha ) \, b_{0} \to b_{1} \in B(x,a_{1}))\) in \(\Sigma _{A}B \, x\)
Let us also define the natural transformation \(\mathsf{fst}: \Sigma _{A}B \to A\) by
The corresponding fact about fibrations is that the composition of two fibrations is a fibration.
We can compare the two fibrations
An object in the composition would look like \(((x,a),b)\) for \(x \in \Gamma \), \(a \in A(x)\) and \(b \in B(x,a)\), whereas an object in \(\Gamma \cdot {\Sigma _{A}(B)}\) would instead be \((x,(a,b))\).
Let \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \), \(A : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) and \(B : \Gamma \cdot A \to \mathbf{grpd}\). Then
where \(\sigma _{A}\) is uniquely determined by the pullback in
By checking pointwise at \(x \in \Delta \), this boils down to showing
which holds because of the universal property of pullback.
Given \(A : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) and \(B : \Gamma \cdot A \to \mathbf{grpd}\) we will define \(\Pi _{A} B : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) such that for any \(C : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) we have an isomorphism
natural in both \(B\) and \(C\).
\(\Pi _{A}B\) acts on objects by taking fiberwise sections
Where we have taken the full subcategory of the functor category \([A (x), \Sigma _{A}B (x)]\). This is a groupoid since any natural transformation of functors into groupoids are natural isomorphisms.
\(\Pi _{A}B\) acts on morphisms via conjugation
Note that conjugation is functorial and invertible.
Stated in terms of fibrations, we have
with the universal property of pushforward
natural in both \(\tau \) and \(\rho \).
Let \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \), \(A : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) and \(B : \Gamma \cdot A \to \mathbf{grpd}\). Then
where \(\sigma _{A}\) is uniquely determined by the pullback in
By checking pointwise, this boils down to Beck-Chevalley for \(\Sigma \).
Let \(\bullet \) denote the terminal groupoid, namely that with a single object and morphism. Then the unique map \(\Gamma \to \bullet \) is a fibration.
Let the interval groupoid \(\mathbb {I}\) be the small groupoid with two objects and a single non-identity isomorphism. There are two distinct morphisms \(\delta _{0}, \delta _{1} : \bullet \to \mathbb {I}\) and a natural isomorphism \(i : \delta _{0} \Rightarrow \delta _{1}\). Note that \(\delta _{0}\) and \(\delta _{1}\) both form adjoint equivalences with the unique map \(! : \mathbb {I}\to \bullet \).
Denote by \(\bullet +\bullet \) the small groupoid with two objects and only identity morphisms. Then let \(\partial : \bullet +\bullet \to \mathbb {I}\) be the unique map factoring \(\delta _{0}\) and \(\delta _{1}\).
Let \(A\) be a small groupoid. Recall that \(\mathbf{grpd}\) is Cartesian closed, so we can take the image of the above diagram under the functor \(A^{-}\).
Then the indicated morphisms are fibrations, and \(A^{\delta _{0}}, A^{\delta _{1}}\) form adjoint equivalences with \(A^{!} : A \to A^{\mathbb {I}}\).
We can use this to justify the interpretation of the identity type later, where we will have the strictified versions (as in strictly stable under substitution) of the above
In general, we will want to build a pathspace for a type in any context, which requires us to pull back the interval along the context, and rebuild the required fibration by exponentiation in the slice.
4.3 Classifying type dependency
Specialized to \(\mathsf{tp}: \mathsf{Tm}\to \mathsf{Ty}\) in \(\mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{grpd})\), the characterizing property of polynomial endofunctors 5.0.2 says that a map from a representable \(\Gamma \to P_{\mathsf{tp}}X\) corresponds to the data of
The special case of when \(X\) is also \(\mathsf{Ty}\) gives us a classifier for dependent types; by Yoneda the above corresponds to the data in \(\mathbf{Cat}\) of
Furthermore, precomposition by a substitution \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) acts on such a pair by
where \(\mathsf{tp}^{*} \sigma \) is given by
4.4 Pi and Sigma structure
\(X \in \mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{grpd})\) be a presheaf. Let \(F\) be an operation that takes a groupoid \(\Gamma \), a functor \(A : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) and \(B : \Gamma \cdot A \to X\) and returns a natural transformation \(F_{A} B : \Gamma \to X\).
Then using Yoneda to define \(\tilde{F} : P_{\mathsf{tp}} X \to X\) pointwise as
gives us a natural transformation if and only if \(F\) satisfies the strict Beck-Chevalley condition
for every \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) in \(\mathbf{grpd}\).
Using 4.3.1
We define the natural transformation \(\Pi : P_{\mathsf{tp}} \mathsf{Ty}\to \mathsf{Ty}\) as that which is induced (4.4.1) by the \(\Pi \)-former operation (4.2.8).
Then we define the natural transformation \(\lambda : P_{\mathsf{tp}} \mathsf{Ty}\to \mathsf{Ty}\) as the natural transformation induced by the following operation: given \(A : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) and \(\beta : \Gamma \cdot A \to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \), \(\lambda _{A}\beta : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) will be the functor such that on objects \(x \in \Gamma \)
where \(B := U \circ \beta : \Gamma \cdot A \to \mathbf{grpd}\) and \(b (x , a)\) is the point in \(\beta (x , a)\). On morphisms \(f : x \to y\) in \(\Gamma \) we have
where \(\eta : \Pi _{A} B \, f \, s_{x} \to s_{y}\) is a natural isomorphism between functors \(A_{y} \to \Sigma _{A} B y\) given on objects \(a \in A_{y}\) by
These combine to give us a pullback square
We should check that the \(\lambda \) operation satisfied Beck-Chevalley. This follows from the \(\Pi \) satisfying Beck-Chevalley and extensionality results for functors.
The square commutes and is a pullback if and only it pointwise commutes and pointwise gives pullbacks, i.e. for each groupoid \(\Gamma \)
where we have used 4.3.1. That this commutes follows from the definitions of \(\Pi \) and \(\lambda \).
To show it is pullback it suffices to note that for any \(f : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) and \((A,B) : \Gamma \to P_{\mathsf{tp}} \mathsf{Ty}\) such that \(U \circ f = \Pi _{A} B\), there exists a unique \((A, \beta ) : \Gamma \to P_{\mathsf{tp}} \mathsf{Tm}\) such that \(U \circ \beta = B\) and \(\lambda _{A} \beta = f\). Indeed \(\beta \) is fully determined by the above conditions to be
This is a specialization of 5.0.3. Use \(R\) to denote the fiber product
By the universal property of pullbacks, The data of a map from a representable \(\varepsilon : \Gamma \to R\) corresponds to the data of \(\alpha : \Gamma \to \mathsf{Tm}\) and \((U \circ \alpha ,B) : \Gamma \to P_{\mathsf{tp}}{\mathsf{Ty}}\). Then by 4.3.1 this corresponds to the data of \(\alpha : \Gamma \to \mathsf{Tm}\) and \(B : \Gamma \cdot U \circ \alpha \to \mathsf{Ty}\).
Precomposition by a substitution \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) then acts on such a pair by
Define the operation of evaluation \(\mathsf{ev}_{\alpha } \, B\) to take \(\alpha : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) and \(B : \Gamma \cdot U \circ \alpha \to \mathbf{grpd}\) and return \(\mathsf{ev}_{\alpha } \, B : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\), described below.
where we write \(A := U \circ \alpha \) and treat a map \(\Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) as the same as a map \(\Gamma \to \mathsf{Ty}\).
More concisely, evaluation is a natural transformation \(\mathsf{ev}_{} \, : R \to \mathsf{Ty}\), given by
The functor \(\mathsf{ev}_{\alpha } \, B : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\) can be computed as
This is a specialization of 5.0.5 with liberal applications of Yoneda.
Recall the following definition of composition of polynomial endofunctors, specialized to our situation
By the universal property of pullbacks, the data of a map with representable domain \(\varepsilon : \Gamma \to Q\) corresponds to the data of a triple of maps \(\alpha , \beta : \Gamma \to \mathsf{Tm}\) and \((A,B) : \Gamma \to P_{\mathsf{tp}} \mathsf{Ty}\) such that \(\mathsf{tp}\circ \beta = \pi _{\mathsf{Ty}} \circ \, \mathsf{counit} \, \circ (\alpha , B)\) and \(A = \mathsf{tp}\circ \alpha \).
This in turn corresponds to three functors \(\alpha , \beta : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) and \(B : \Gamma \cdot U \circ \alpha \to \mathbf{grpd}\), such that \(U \circ \beta = \mathsf{ev}_{\alpha } \, B\). So we will write
gray Type theoretically \(\alpha = (A , a : A)\) and \(\mathsf{ev}_{\alpha } \, B = B a\) and \(\beta = (B a, b : B a)\). Then composing \(\varepsilon \) with \(\mathsf{tp}\lhd \mathsf{tp}\) returns \(\gamma \), which consists of \((A, B)\). It is in this sense that \(Q\) classifies pairs of dependent terms, and \(\mathsf{tp}\lhd \mathsf{tp}\) extracts the underlying types.
Precomposition with a substitution \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) acts on this triple by
We define the natural transformation
as that which is induced (4.4.1) by the \(\Sigma \)-former operation (4.2.8).
To define \(\mathsf{pair}: Q \to \mathsf{Tm}\), let \(\Gamma \) be a groupoid and \((\beta ,\alpha ,B) : \Gamma \to Q\) (such that \(U \circ \beta = \mathsf{ev}_{\alpha } \, \beta \)). We define a functor \(\mathsf{pair}_{\Gamma }(\beta ,\alpha ,B) : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) such that on objects \(x \in \Gamma \), the functor returns \((\Sigma _{A} B \, x, (a_{x}, b_{a_{x}}))\), where (using 4.4.5 \(U \circ \beta x = \mathsf{ev}_{\alpha } \, B x = B(x, a_{x})\))
and on morphisms \(f : x \to y\), the functor returns \((\Sigma _{A} B \, f, (\phi _{f}, \psi _{f}))\), where (using 4.4.5 \(U \circ \beta f = \mathsf{ev}_{\alpha } \, B f = B(f, \phi _{f})\))
\(\Sigma \) and \(\mathsf{pair}\) combine to give us a pullback square
To show naturality of \(\mathsf{pair}\), suppose \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) is a functor between groupoids.
So we check that for any \(x \in \Gamma \),
and so on.
It follows from the definition of \(\mathsf{pair}\) that the square commutes. To show that it is pullback, it suffices to show that for each \(\Gamma \),
is a pullback. Since we are in \(\mathbf{Set}\), it suffices to just show the universal property applied to a point: so for any \(A : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}\), any \(B : \Gamma \cdot A \to \mathbf{grpd}\), and any \(p : \Gamma \to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \), such that
there exists a unique \((\beta , \alpha , B) : \Gamma \to Q\) such that
Indeed if we write
this uniquely determines \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) as
4.5 Identity types
To define the commutative square in \(\mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{grpd})\)
We first note that both \(\delta \) and \(\mathsf{tp}\) in the are in the essential image of the composition from 4.1.2
since the composition preserves pullbacks. So we first define in \(\mathbf{Cat}\)
Then obtain \(\mathsf{Id}\) and \(\mathsf{refl}\) in \(\mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{grpd})\) by applying \(\mathsf{res} \circ \mathsf{y}\) to this diagram.
To this end, let \(\mathsf{Id}' : U \times _{\mathbf{grpd}} U \to \mathbf{grpd}\) act on objects by taking the set - the discrete groupoid - of isomorphisms
and on morphisms \((f, \phi _{0}, \phi _{1}) : (A, a_{0}, a_{1}) \to (B, b_{0}, b_{1})\) by
Let \(\mathsf{refl}' : \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) act on objects by
and on morphisms \((f, \phi ) : (A, a) \to (B, b)\) by
where the second component has to be the identity on the object \(\mathsf{id}_{d}\), since \(B(b,b)\) is a discrete groupoid. So we need a merely propositional proof that the two maps are equal, which in this case is clear.
Since \(\delta (A,a) = (A, a, a)\), it follows that the square in 1 commutes.
We can then construct the pullback \(I'\)
as the groupoid with objects \((A, a_{0}, a_{1}, h)\) where \(A\) is a groupoid with \(a_{0}, a_{1} \in A\) and \(h : a_{0} \to a_{1}\), and morphisms
where \(f : A \to B\), \(\phi _{i} : f a_{i} \to b_{i}\) and \(A h = k\) represents a merely propositional proof of equality. Then we can also compute
Specialized to \(q : I \to \mathsf{Ty}\) in \(\mathbf{Psh}(\mathbf{grpd})\), the characterizing property of polynomial endofunctors 5.0.2 says that a map from a representable \(\varepsilon : \Gamma \to P_{q}X\) corresponds to the data of
where \(A = q \circ \varepsilon \) and
The data of a map \((A, C, \gamma _{\mathsf{refl}}) : \Gamma \to T\) corresponds to the data of
Then precomposition with \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) acts on such a triple via
By the universal property of pullbacks, The data of a map from a representable \(\Gamma \to T\) corresponds to the data of \((A, C) : \Gamma \to P_{q}{\mathsf{Ty}}\) and \((A',\gamma _\mathsf{refl}) : \Gamma \to P_{\mathsf{tp}}{\mathsf{Tm}}\) such that
so the above is equivalent to having \(A = A', C, \gamma _\mathsf{refl}\) such that
By Yoneda this is equivalent to requiring
We can compute \(\varepsilon : P_{q}{\mathsf{Tm}} \to T\) via
We want to define \(J : T \to P_{q}{\mathsf{Tm}}\)
for some \(\gamma : \Gamma \cdot A \cdot A \cdot \mathsf{Id}\to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) which we will define below. We first use \(T\) 4.5.4 to describe the given data:
Let us name the fibers over the diagonal
and its given points
(Note that \(c_{\mathsf{refl}}\) is not a functor, but will give us an object per object \((x, a)\), and morphism \(c_{\mathsf{refl}}(f, \phi ) : C_{\mathsf{refl}}(f,\phi ) c_{\mathsf{refl}}(x, a) \to c_{\mathsf{refl}} (y, b)\) per morphism \((f, \phi )\).) Then \(\gamma \) will be defined by using \(C\) to lift the path
that starts on the diagonal, to give us a point in any fiber, using \(c_{\mathsf{refl}}\). Note that we unfolded \(\Gamma \cdot A \cdot A \cdot \mathsf{Id}\) as the domain of the nested display maps so that \(x \in \Gamma \), \(a_{0} \in A x\),
We also check \((\mathsf{id}_{x},\mathsf{id}_{a_{0}},h, \_ )\) is a path in \(\Gamma \cdot A \cdot A \cdot \mathsf{Id}\) by proving “\(\_ \)”, the omitted equality
So we define \(\gamma : \Gamma \cdot A \cdot A \cdot \mathsf{Id}\to \mathbf{grpd}_\bullet \) on objects by
noting that from the computation of \(\rho '\) given in 4.5.2 it follows that
Define \(\gamma \) on morphism \((f, \phi _{0}, \phi _{1}, \phi _{1} \circ A f h \circ \phi _{0}^{-1} = k) : (x, a_{0}, a_{1}, h) \to (y, b_{0}, b_{1}, k)\) by
We type check \(C(\mathsf{id}_{y}, \mathsf{id}_{b_{0}}, k, \_ ) \, c_{\mathsf{refl}}(f, \phi _{0})\)
Functoriality of \(\gamma \) is routine. We show naturality of \(J\). Suppose \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) is representable
So we want to show that on objects \((x, a_{0}, a_{1}, h) \in \Delta \cdot A \circ \sigma \cdot A \circ \sigma \cdot \mathsf{Id}\)
Let us denote \(q^{*} \sigma (x, a_{0}, a_{1}, h) = (\sigma x, a_{0}', a_{1}', h')\). Then
and similarly for morphisms.
\(J : T \to P_{q}{\mathsf{Tm}}\), as defined above is a section of \(\varepsilon \).
Let \((A, C, \gamma _{\mathsf{refl}}) : \Gamma \to T\) be a map from a representable. Then using the definition of \(J\) and the computation of \(\varepsilon \) 4.5.5
By definition of \(\gamma \) from \(J\) we can see that \(U \circ \gamma = C\), so it suffices to show that \(\gamma \circ A^{*} \rho ' = \gamma _{\mathsf{refl}}\). On an object \((x, a_{0})\)
4.6 Universe of Discrete Groupoids
In this section we assume three different universe sizes, which we will distinguish by all lowercase (small), capitalized first letter (large), and all-caps (extra large), respectively. For example, the three categories of sets will be nested as follows
We shift all of our previous work up by one universe level, so that we are working in the category \(\mathbf{PSH}(\mathbf{Grpd})\) of extra large presheaves, indexed by the (extra large, locally large) category of large groupoids. We would then have \(\mathsf{Ty}= [-, \mathbf{Grpd}]\) and \(\mathsf{Tm}= [-, \mathbf{Grpd}_\bullet ]\).
Let \(\mathsf{U}\) be the (large) groupoid of small sets, i.e. let \(\mathsf{U}\) have \(\mathbf{set}\) as its objects and morphisms between two small sets as all the bijections between them. This gives us \(\ulcorner \mathsf{U}\urcorner : \bullet \to \mathsf{Ty}\).
Then we define \(\mathsf{El}: \mathsf{y}\mathsf{U}\to \mathsf{Ty}\) by defining \(\mathsf{El}: \mathsf{U}\to \mathbf{Grpd}\) as the inclusion - any small set can be regarded as a large discrete groupoid.
Then we take \(\pi := \mathsf{disp}_{\mathsf{El}}\), giving us
We can compute the groupoid \(E\) as that with objects that are pairs \((X,x)\) where \(x \in X \in \mathbf{set}\), and morphisms
Then \(\pi : E \to U\) is the forgetful functor \((X,x) \mapsto X\).
Showing that this universe is closed under \(\Pi , \Sigma , \mathsf{Id}\) formation depends on how we formalize \(\mathbf{set}\hookrightarrow \mathbf{Set}\). In both cases we need to check that discreteness is preserved by the type formers, which is straightforward. If we are working with sets and cardinality, i.e. taking \(\mathbf{set}= \mathbf{Set}_{{\lt}\lambda } \subset \mathbf{Set}_{{\lt} \kappa } = \mathbf{Set}\) for some inaccessible cardinals \(\lambda {\lt} \kappa \), then it is straightforward to check that the type formers do not make “larger” types. If we are working with type theoretic universes with a lift operation \(\mathsf{ULift} : \mathbf{set}\to \mathbf{Set}\) then it may not be true that \(\mathsf{ULift}\) commutes with our type formers.