5 Polynomial Endofunctors
In this section we develop some of the definitions and lemmas related to polynomial endofunctors that we will use in the rest of the notes.
Let \(\mathbb {C}\) be a locally Cartesian closed category (in our case, presheaves on the category of contexts). This means for each morphism \(t : B \to A\) we have an adjoint triple
where \(t^{*}\) is pullback, and \(t_{!}\) is composition with \(t\).
Let \(t : B \to A\) be a morphism in \(\mathbb {C}\). Then define \(P_{t} : \mathbb {C}\to \mathbb {C}\) be the composition
The data of a map into the polynomial applied to an object in \(\mathbb {C}\)
corresponds to
Applying the adjunction \(A_{!} \dashv A^{*}\), this corresponds to
Applying the adjunction \(t^{*} \dashv t_{*}\), this corresponds to
Henceforth we will write
for this map, since it is uniquely determined by this data. Furthermore, precomposition by \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \), acts on such a pair by
and given a morphism \(f : X \to Y\), the morphism \(P_{t}{f}\) acts on such a pair by
Use \(R\) to denote the fiber product
By the universal property of pullbacks and 5.0.2, The data of a map \(\Gamma \to R\) corresponds to the data of \(\beta : \Gamma \to B\) and \((t \circ \beta ,y) : \Gamma \to P_{t}{Y}\), or just \(\beta : \Gamma \to B\) and \(y : \Gamma \cdot t \circ \beta \to Y\)
By uniqueness in the universal property of pullbacks and 5.0.2, Precomposition by a map \(\sigma : \Delta \to \Gamma \) acts on such a pair by
Let \(\, \mathsf{counit} \, : \rho _B \to B \to B^* Y\) denote the counit of the adjunction \(f^* \dashv f_*\) at the object \(B^* Y\), recalling that \(\rho _B = t^* t_* B^* Y\). Then viewing the object \(B^* Y\) in the slice as the object \(Y \times B\) in the ambient category, we define \(\mathsf{ev}_{} \, : R \to Y\) as the composition
Suppose \((\beta ,y) : \Gamma \to R\), as in 5.0.3
Then the evaluation of \(y\) at \(\beta \) can be computed as
It suffices to show \((\, \mathsf{counit} \, \circ (\beta , y)) = (y \circ b , \beta )\) instead.
Let \(f : B \to A\) and \(g : D \to C\). Define the polynomial composition \(f \lhd g : Q \to P_{f}{C}\) as the composition of the two vertical maps in the following
Then the two functors
are naturally isomorphic.
Then we have a mate \(\mu _{!} : \rho _{!} \circ s^{*} \Rightarrow t^{*}\). This is given by the universal property of pullbacks: given \(f : x \to y\) in the slice \(\mathbb {C}/ A\) we have
By the calculus of mates we also have a reversed mate between the right adjoints \(\mu ^{*} : t_{*} \to s_{*} \circ \rho ^{*}\). Explicitly \(\mu ^{*}\) is the composition
Let \(P_{-} : (\mathbb {C}/ A)^{\mathrm{op}} \to [\mathbb {C}, \mathbb {C}]\) be defined by taking \(s \mapsto P_{s}\) on objects and act on a morphism by
where \(\mu = \mu ^{*}\) is the mate from 5.0.7, and \(\eta \) is the natural isomorphism given by pullback pasting.
Pointwise, this natural transformation acts on a pair \((\alpha , \beta ) : \Gamma \to P_{t}{X}\) by
where \(\alpha ^{*} \rho \) is defined as
We prove this now.
Firstly \({\rho }^{\star }_{X} = A_{!} (s_{*} \eta _{X} \circ \mu _{B^{*}X})\), so the first component \(\alpha : \Gamma \to A\) is preserved by \({\rho }^{\star }_{X}\) and it suffices to show, in \(\mathbb {C}/ A\)
By the adjunction \(s^{*} \dashv s_{*}\), it suffices to show, in \(\mathbb {C}/ C\)
Now we calculate \(\overline{s_{*} \eta _{X} \circ \mu _{B^{*}X}} = \eta _{X} \circ \overline{\mu _{B^{*}X}}\). So that our goal is to show
Since \(\eta _{X}\) is an isomorphism between two limits of the same diagram, namely \(X \times C \cong C_{!} C^{*} X \cong C_{!} \rho ^{*} B^{*} X\), it suffices to show that both \(\overline{\mu _{B^{*}X}} \circ s^{*}(\alpha , \beta )\) and \(\overline{(\alpha , \beta \circ \alpha ^{*} \rho )}\) are uniquely determined by the same two maps into \(X\) and \(C\).
By the characterising property of polynomial endofunctors (5.0.2) we calculate
More formally, this means \(\beta \circ \alpha ^{*} \rho : C_{!} s^{*} \alpha \to X\) and \(s^{*} \alpha : C_{!} s^{*} \alpha \to C\) are the two maps that uniquely determine the map \(C_{!} \overline{\alpha , \beta \circ \alpha ^{*} \rho } : C_{!} s^{*} \alpha \to X \times C\).
On the other hand,
The mate \(\mu _{!}\) is calculated via the universal map into the pullback \(R\) (dotted below).
Using the characterization of maps into \(R\) from 5.0.3 we can calculate
since the first component is simply the map \(\Gamma \cdot _{s} \alpha \to B\) and the second component is the second component of the map
Then using 5.0.5
Moving back along the adjunction \(\rho _{!} \dashv \rho ^{*}\) ?? tells us that
So that, as required, \(\overline{\mu _{B^{*}X}} \circ s^{*}(\alpha , \beta )\) and \(\overline{(\alpha , \beta \circ \alpha ^{*} \rho )}\) are uniquely determined by the same two maps into \(X\) and \(C\).
We can also view taking polynomial endofunctors as a covariant functor on the category of arrows with cartesian squares as morphisms
where the action on a cartesian square is
given by the whiskered natural transformations
Furthermore, the natural transformation \(P_{\kappa }\) is cartesian. meaning each naturality square is a pullback square.
The natural transformation \(P_{\kappa }\) computes in the following way
using the fact that \(\Gamma \cdot _{s} \alpha \) and \(\Gamma \cdot _{t} \theta \circ \alpha \) are limits of the same diagram.
We can use the computation of \({P_{\kappa }}_{X}\) and \(P_{s}{f}\) to show that the natural transformation \(P_{\kappa }\) is cartesian. Essentially, the first component of a map \(\Gamma \to P_{s}{X}\) is determined by its composition with \(P_{s}{f}\) and its second component is determined by its composition with \({P_{\kappa }}_{X}\).
If we have
then the two possible ways of obtaining composing the covariant and contravariant actions of \(P_{-}\) form a (strictly commuting) pullback square in \([\mathbb {C}, \mathbb {C}]\).
To check that it commutes and is a pullback, it suffices to do this pointwise, for some \(X \in \mathbb {C}\). Then we simply unfold the computation for each of \(P_{\kappa }\) and \({\rho }^{\star }\).