Expository Papers And Notes

A topos without points


An example of a topos (from logic) that does not have any points.

A learning wishlist


A list of tricks/theorems/constructions/concepts/theories I wished to know but never had time/opportunity to learn them!

Principal Bundles

Incomplete as they stand (April, 2018)

A review of theory of principal bundles and higher principal bundles

Principal Bundles

Incomplete as they stand (April, 2018)

A review of theory of principal bundles and higher principal bundles

Three Sites Of Relative Schemes

Incomplete as they stand (April, 2018)

Warning: in construction! We introduce three Grothendieck topologies on the category of based schemes; the Zariski, the étale and the fpqc topology

Seminars and Reading Groups

Topology Seminar at Johns Hopkins (2021-2022)

With Maru Sarazola and Tim Campion we are organizing Topology Seminar at Johns Hopkins

Reading Group on Arithmetic Universes (2018-2019)

With Alexander Oldenziel, Joost van Dijk and a few others we have an informal weekly reading sessions on Arithmetic Universes and Goedel's incompleteness theorem in Utrecht and Amsterdam.

CARGO (2016-2019)

I am one of the organizers of category theory reading group (CARGO). The meetings takes place at the school of computer science on a weekly basis. The participants are mostly PhD students and research fellows in theoretical computer science.

Read more about it here .

  • From 2015-2017, CARGO meetings used to takes place at the school of computer science on every Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. in room 245. For the academic year of 2017-2018 we have our meetings on Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. in the same room.
  • Here is the archive of talks: CARGO archive. Feel free to subscribe to our mailing list. Let me also mention the archive of our Theory Seminars talks on Fridays. I have given four talks in theory seminars and numerous talks in CARGO. Sometimes I find enough time and I write the notes of the talks which can be found in below.
  • Here is a list of topics considered to be discussed in Autumn 2017 in Category Reading Group seminars as well as informal archive for suggested topics since Summer 2015: Potential topics and Informal archive.