Talks And Presentations

Linear Algebra Game in Lean4

June 19, 2024

Trimester in Prospects of Formal Mathematics, Hausdorff Research Institute in Mathematics (HIM), Bonn

A game to learn linear algebra in Lean4 at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf

Teaching Introduction To Proofs With Lean

January 11, 2023

Seminar Talk, TU Delft Programming Language Group

In Fall 2022, I taught an undergraduate course in the Mathematics Department at Johns Hopkins University entitled “Introduction to Proofs” entirely with the Lean Proof Assistant. In this talk, I will report on this teaching experiment.

Kripke Joyal Semantics For Dependent Type Theory

December 11, 2020

HoTT Seminar, Pittsburgh HoTT Seminar

The result here was earlier presented at the Yorkshire and Midlands Category Theory Seminars (YaMCATS) and Ghent–Leeds Virtual Logic Seminar and also at CATS seminars at ILLC, UvA, Amsterdam.