Team Project Module (Spring 2017)
School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, 2017
- Team Project, Semester 2, 2017
- Module Lecturer: Ian Kenny
- This year’s theme: Video Game Design in Java
Core features of the game:
- Competitive play.Your game must allow players to compete.
- Networking.Your game must allow multiple players to play across a network. The specific net-working arrangement depends on the type of game but, for example, you might create a client-server typearrangement in which multiple clients connect to a controlling server, or a server performing some otherservice.
- Artificial Intelligence.Your game must have the option of computer-controlled players. These mightbe individual or team players, depending on the type of game.
- User Interface.Your game must have a user interface, i.e. a convenient way for players to interactwith the game. This will almost certainly require a menu as a minimum but will more than likely alsorequire other interface entities such as dialog windows that have a range of controls, clickable icons, etc.The user interface will also include crucial feedback information for the player.
- Activities:
- Supervising projects
- Helping students in the Lab on an individual basis
- Meeting students in office hours